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About Lambtaco Games
A youtube channel from the maker of A Koopa's Revenge and other such games. Game play videos and trailers/teasers for my games. Maybe I'll do some Let's Play type stuff sometime too.
Recent Videos from Lambtaco Games
A Koopa's Revenge Iceberg Explained (+ Q&A) | LTG
A stream where I explain, to the best of my ability, the fan-made A Koopa's Revenge Iceberg, and show off the work in progress build for AKR2 v2.9.1.
The Iceberg:
Fan Made Yoshi Boss:
Play A … Mr. Godot & Watch Trailer | LTG
A trailer for a platformer game I made to help me learn to use Godot Engine to make games.
Play the game on Newgrounds:
Play the game on
Music:… How to Play A Koopa's Revenge 2 in 2021 + Why Version 2.9 + 30K Q&A Announcement | LTG
AKR2 on Newgrounds:
People keep asking how to play A Koopa's Revenge 2 now that the Flashplayer is gone. So here's the simple answer in convenient video form.
I also talk about what's coming for future AKR2 updates. More on that in a blog post linked …