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About Tsuki
I make videos about the amazing wildlife on this planet and all the struggles that many species are facing today.
Recent Videos from Tsuki
5 Apex Predators That Hunt Dangerous Prey
Over the billions of years that there has been life on this planet, predator prey relationships have always been evolving. Predators have been finding new ways to catch and deal with their prey and prey animals have been evolving new ways to avoid predators and protect themselves. Predator prey rel… 5 Iconic Animals Saved From The Brink Of Extinction
The changes we have made to this planet really affect the animals we share the world with. The increasin human population means that there are less places for animals to thrive and more important habitats are destroyed. Before the times of animal conservation there were many more animals extinction… 5 Of The Worst Invasive Species From The US
On this channel i have made many different videos on problem invasive species. In these invasive species videos i normally focus on a certain area and go through a few species that are invasive there. This video will be a little different as i will be going through 5 american species that are great…