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About Max Grant ,The Swan Valley Machine Shop.
Hi , I am a 3rd generation fitter / machinist , manufactured in the mid sixties & this channel is mostly about general machining & the expansion of my home shop - The Swan Valley Machine Shop .
Recent Videos from Max Grant ,The Swan Valley Machine Shop.
Induction Hardened Chrome Bar Part 2 . No String On My Tool !
I was so sick of the string , a tool change was in order to sort it !
Same insert , different side .
#60secondsunday 60 second Sunday , Induction Hardened Chrome Bar .
Turning the hardened chrome bar to size for a boring bar .
Dorian CNMG432-KER-DKC15RT Insert .
#60secondsunday New Machine Shop Build . February Update .
Just a quick progress update .
Also a new machine coming to the shop .