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Another round of Skater XL is here! This map was TOO good! We had a blast the whole time. We hope you guys enjoyed hanging out with us. More videos are always on the way too so stay tuned!
Edited by a guy didn't need a bandaid once growing up @Frank Vs. Evil
Extra… I Got The WEIRDEST Car In Wobbly Life.
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We are playing Wobbly Life again! This game gets more and more fascinating. You can do SO much! We hope you dug it. More videos are always on the way so stay tuned!
Edited by the one person that is indeed a person @Frank Vs. Evil
Extra effects by Sir @AlexBplaying I Got Hurt In Real Life While Playing Minecraft.
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We are continuing Hardcore MineCraft where If you die every then you lose your entire world, EVERYTHING! The stakes have never been higher so we have to be smart and cautious. We're going to have a ton of fun so stay tuned and enjoy what is to come.
Edited by the guy…