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About Catalyst_HD
A retired competitive Battlefield player for Venom eSports and SeVen. Currently producing content on the Battlefield franchise, including highlights, commentaries, analysis, and guides on how to become a better Battlefield player.
Recent Videos from Catalyst_HD
The Best Specialists in Battlefield 2042! (Season 1)
These are the best specialists in Battlefield 2042 after the release of Season 1. It has been about 4 months since my rankings were completed as part of my How To Not Suck Series, and there have been a lot of balancing changes to specialists since then. Here are the updated power rankings for every… How To NOT SUCK at Lis! - Battlefield 2042 Specialist Guide (Season 1)
Here is how to not suck at using Lis in Battlefield 2042! The HTNS series returns as we go through every specialist in Battlefield 2042, giving you tips and tricks on how to best use each one. This Battlefield 2042 specialist guide will include information about Lis' G84-TGM TV Missile, her optimal… Is Battlefield 2042 Season 1 Worth Playing? (Season 1 Review)
After 8 months of waiting, is Battlefield 2042 Season 1 worth playing? If you stopped playing the game while you waited for the new content and more updates, hopefully this video will answer your question as I talk about the state of Battlefield 2042 after the season 1 update. Is Battlefield 2042 S…