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About Zheanna Erose
on trials for the crimes of temporal tampering in two time lines / cyborg programmed to be musical / microtonal angel / interior biological acoustic engineer / dream&bass / thank you /
Recent Videos from Zheanna Erose
in overtone intonation, 23edo, 37edo, 31edo, and inharmonic timbre tunings
fluid rhythm, nested forms, and distorted to hades.
#xenbass shimmerbody no.1 [cluster temperament experiments]
shimmerbody is a collection of pieces which explore something what I call blurry scales. blurred scales fuzz the interval spectrum by populating each point of a chord or scale with shimmery small intervals. In this case, the fifth has 3 varieties all next to each other. Every interval has a tiny in… astraldove _ new text message [visualizer]
wrote this piece a few months ago and have been struggling on finishing the video. consider this like a visualizer/lyric vid.
this doesn't sound microtonal but it actually is. this piece uses a pental+harmonic [12] neji.
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