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About MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute)
MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) is a nonprofit research institution advancing marine science and engineering to understand our changing ocean.
Recent Videos from MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute)
Deep relaxation: The relaxing rhythm of jellies will help you unwind
Sit back and relax with these soothing jellies. From tiny, delicate drifters, to giant deep-sea denizens, jellies come in a variety of beautiful and mesmerizing forms. There are many different kinds of gelatinous animals in the deep, but here we are featuring the umbrella-shaped animals that swim b… Fishing for eDNA: Robots help monitor a freshwater stream for a year
Scott Creek is home to both coho salmon and steelhead trout, which are endangered and threatened under the Endangered Species Act. These native species support the entire ecosystem by bringing ocean-rich nutrients back to the stream when they spawn.
In order to effectively monitor an ecosystem lik… Deep-sea #lovenotes
This Valentine’s Day, we have one very important question for you: Who’s your favorite deep-sea duo? 💖
In order of appearance in this video, we have some pretty epic deep-sea couples:
Pandea rubea and pycnogonid
Deepstaria enigmatica and Anuropus
Scotoplanes sea pig and Neolithodes