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About BazBattles
Historical battles, tactics, politics and all things related served as smooth animated narration. Conflicts throughout history, from Ancient Rome to XX century.
Contact: battlebalthasar at
Recent Videos from BazBattles
Theodosius the Great: Battle of the Sava River 388 AD
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Music used:
BTS Prolog - Kevin MacLeod
Restless Native - Kevin MacLeod
Grave Blow - Kevin MacLeod
Impact Andante - Kevin MacLeod
All This Scoring Action - Kevin MacLe… The Battle of the River Plate 1939
Thanks to Curiosity Stream for sponsoring today’s video. Go to and use code BAZBATTLES to save 25% off today, that’s only $14.99 a year.
Music used:
BTS Prolog - Kevin MacLeod
Hiding Your Reality - Kevin MacLeod
Dead Silence - Savva Dudin
Aurora Bore… The Battle of Saule 1236 AD
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Music used:
BTS Prolog - Kevin MacLeod
Restless Native - Kevin MacLeod
Grave Blow - Kevin MacLeod
Impact Andante - Kevin MacLeod
All This Scoring Action - Kevin …