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About Derek Banas
I make tutorials based on your requests. I will cover any topic you can imagine. I upload new videos everyday. I'm currently teaching a series on data science and machine learning.
Recent Videos from Derek Banas
Transfer Learning with TensorFlow
I'll livestream code and explain everything you could want to know about Transfer Learning using TensorFlow.
Transfer learning occurs when you take a model trained to perform a certain task and reuse it to perform another task. Often enormous resources are required to train a model to do a sophis… Convolutional Neural Networks : TensorFlow 2022
I livestream code and explain everything you could want to know about Convolutional Neural Networks using TensorFlow.
Convolutional Neural Networks can be used to train computers to recognize objects in images. This allows us to recognize objects or people in images or video. It is helps automate… TensorFlow Binary & Multi-class Classification
I'll teach a ton about how to use TensorFlow for Binary & Multi-class Classification and I'll answer all your questions live. I'll cover all of the following and much more :
❇️ Working with Tensors
❇️ Downloading / Cleaning Data
❇️ Binary Classification
❇️ Multi-class Classification
❇️ Finding Id…