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About Thabeast721
Currently taking on a challenge to beat every N64 game ever released. Videos on each game are released every Friday
Recent Videos from Thabeast721
Beating EVERY N64 Game - Stunt Racer 64 (125/394)
Would you believe it if I told you there is a game that plays like Trackmania on the N64? Well maybe you shouldn't because I've never played it. However, that's how I feel Stunt Racer 64 plays.
Edited By Craw:
For a spreadsheet showing my progress so far, see here ht… Beating EVERY N64 Game - Gauntlet Legends (124/394)
Gauntlet was probably my favorite game series from Midway. I have to wonder how this series could have gone if it continued into the current day. Dungeon crawlers are certainly rare on this console, so let's dive into Gauntlet Legends.
Edited By Craw:
For a spreadshe… Beating EVERY N64 Game - Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (123/394)
Duke Nukem 3D was previously ported to the N64 for players to enjoy on their home consoles. It was nice, but people really wanted a game designed with the console in mind. That's what Eurocom brought to the table with Duke Nukem: Zero Hour. Was it an improvement?
Edited By Craw:…