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The Most Compelling Pro Choice Argument on TIKTOK?
Mr. B gives four reasons why the analogy between pregnancy and a car accident does not work.
#RedPenLogic #StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity #ProLife #UnbornLivesMatter
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Stand to Reason University: h… Why Do People Go To Hell?
Mr. B responds to the question, "Does God send people to Hell, or do people choose to go to Hell?"
#RedPenLogic #StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity #Theology #Hell
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Stand to Reason University: https:/… When Does Human LIFE Begin?
Mr. B responds to the claim that "life begins at conception" is only a religious belief.
#RedPenLogic #StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity #ProLife #UnbornLivesMatter #Science
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Stand to Reason Universi…