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About Hobo Shoestring
I've been riding freight trains since 1989 and have since ridden over 2,700,000 of steel rails in 49 USA states, eight provinces of Canada and 14 states in Mexico. I spent my first 31 years homeless riding trains then last year I had to get a small apartment because of medical issues. It's very hard having walls and a roof because I prefer to be outside. I still stay gone riding more than I stay in the little apartment. Doing my best after getting hit by a car December 13 and ran over by a train October 2017. Hand and arm healed quite well! Thanks for watching!
Recent Videos from Hobo Shoestring
Quick update!
Sorry I haven't posted any videos in several days.
I was really down and not feeling well and time always flies by when you're not feeling
I'm going to try to get a long video within the next few days. Frozen ride across the Smokies but warm and dry coming back!
Rocky Mount, North Carolina yard.
As the worker walked past my hiding spot and discovering me inside the hole of my grainer he asked me was I Shoestring. I said yes. He said you don't have to ride back here on this freezing car so why don't you ride up with us on the trailing power locomotive wh… Snowy boxcar ride north ❄ ❄ ❄
Another mostly night ride but the fresh white snow was reflecting the city lights fairly well and actually showed up in a two minute night scene in this video.
Anyway, I found a dry sheltered spot for the night.