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About Pikasprey Yellow
Hi, I make videos about video games. How super original.
Because I want to be like the popular people, I also have a gameplay channel. So you can watch that, if that sort of thing interests you.
Recent Videos from Pikasprey Yellow
Soft Lock Picking: Level 100 Gengar Takes Days to Escape Battle
Using some lesser known oversights, Gengar can be stuck in a battle, that could last longer than an entire playthrough!
Soft Lock Picking Playlist:
Gameplay Channel: https://www.youtub… Sequence Breaking in Pokemon Gen 1
Gen 1 is known for it's broken design, but how much of that can be used to skip playing entire portions of the game?
Soft Lock Picking Playlist:
Gameplay Channel:… Soft Lock Picking: It Could Take Over 179 Years to Escape With Chansey
Chansey is supposed to bring good luck to those that have one. But this softlock puts the luck of this Pokemon to the test.
Soft Lock Picking Playlist:
Gameplay Channel: https://www.yo…