About Serious Keto
SeriousKeto is keto for people who are serious about cooking, but aren't dogmatic about what keto must be. It is for people who want to create low carb dishes that don't seem low carb. My recipes may be a little "dirty keto" at times -- but I always disclose it. My belief is that it's better to have a little "dirt" from time to time than to fail at the keto lifestyle by treating it as a religion.
Over the years, I've accumulated over 160 cookbooks and two massive binders filled with an additional 1200 recipes from sources such as Food & Wine magazine, Bon Appetit magazine, and websites like Serious Eats, ChefSteps, and Food52. I will be converting these recipes to make them Keto-friendly, while still maintaining what made them recipes worth making.
I'll also be providing product reviews -- from kitchen gadgets to keto-friendly food items.
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