YouTube Channel Recommendations for people who like dinoflask (Click a channel's button below to go to their page on Channel Galaxy and find more new YouTube suggestions)
thanks aaron
The age of Kaplan is over. The age of Keller has come.
Started this just after Jeff quit (reee), was just gonna be the whole song at first but it was taking too long and was struggling with the lyrics, so sorta gave up. But managed to salvage it into this video in time for the OW2 re… BlizzConline Opening Ceremony: a quick rundown
warning: this quick rundown contains no nutritional value and is for entertainment purposes only.
blizzconline was pretty good, all things considered. really just waiting for the OW2 dev updates to start. new material, OW dead game etc etc. i can't work with these jeff from home developer updates.… Jeff Kaplan: Yuleposting 2020
the yule logs are lit.
Kaplan calls for aid.
i unironically started this video on the 6th january 2020 with the goal of getting it out before feb. the first thing i did was the widowmaker ass bauble, and the tree falling over. then my dreams of uploading died because i spent the best part of a mon…