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About Nick Pileggi
Videos all about houseplants, and nothing but. Houseplant tips, unboxings, tours, and much, much more! Join me as we discuss an array of indoor gardening topics.
Recent Videos from Nick Pileggi
How To Care For Peperomia pereskiifolia | Plant Of The Week Ep. 43
Join me every Monday for Plant Of The Week! Each episode highlights a different houseplant and its care. This week is Peperomia pereskiifolia. Thanks for watching!
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Tik Tok: @phillyfoliage
Instagram: @phillyf… Propagating My Philodendron erubescens "Red Emerald"
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Use code NICK to save 10% on any potting mix from rePotme:
https://… Planting Epiphytic Houseplants In Vanda Baskets | Houseplant Tips & Tricks
Thank you to rePotme for sponsoring this series! Use code NICK to save 10% on any potting mix:
4" Vanda Basket:
6" Vanda Basket:…