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About IanHubert
Sometimes I make cinematic abominations!
Recent Videos from IanHubert
Episode 1 : Salad Mug - DYNAMO DREAM
Feels so good to finally post this! Unending thanks to all the friends who worked to help make this happen, and all of the folks over on the patreon!
A lot changed over the course of making this episode (you can probably feel it), and while I'm really excited about this episode, I'm even more exc… HyperBole! The Hyperball Hates You
Finally finished this up! Sorry to anyone who thought it was going to be longer; that'd be a blast some day, but this got it out of my system for now :)
Solid mix of hand animated stuff, physics sims, and data from a Rokoko mocap suit (learned a ton about IK rigging, too… Just a Big Pile of CG stuff.
Figured it wasn't fair to just upload stuff to Twitter and Instagram??
Music by Wilbert Roget II
Bus model visible in one shot by Swift502