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About Orchids & Garden in England
My name is Margaret East and I live on the outskirts of Crewe and my passion and hobby is growing orchids, together with my husband Keith, our joint passion is gardening
Recent Videos from Orchids & Garden in England
Orchids : Procatavola Jairak Green Star opens her blooms
Procatavola is a combination of:
Prosthechea vitellina
Cattleya 'Richard Mueller'
Procatavola Jairak Green Star
(Proguarleya Jairak Greenery x Brassavola Little Stars)
(Cattleya Mae Bly : Cattlianthe Fireball Fame)
(Brassavola nodosa)
This is a hybrid: A couple of add-on orchids, then it's terrarium updates
I've extended the Phalaenopsis finleyi stick; Cattleya purpurata now in a open style plastic basket; glass cookie jars - how Ihave utilised them for my orchids An update on my hybrid and species phalaenopsis