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About sonicstate
Gear reviews, interviews and features for people who make music by any means. Weekly Sonic TALK podcast, video coverage from NAMM, Musik MESSE and other major music tradefairs.
Recent Videos from sonicstate
Sequential Take 5 Cobalt 5 S - Synth Jam
Another in our occasional series where we take a couple or more items and have a noodle. This time its the Sequential Take 5 - the analogue VCO and VCF 5 voice poly synth (see our review) and the Modal Electronics Cobalt 5S - a DSP based 5 voice synth.
BONUS DOWNLOADS: We sampled a few choice soun… Sonic TALK 705 - Proton, Cobalt5S, Timbre Wolf
Live Streamed at 4pm UK
Preshow (including Take 5 and Cobalt 5S jam)
Guests: @MrWiggly and Rich Hilton
00:00:00 Intro and hellos
00:00:14 SHOW START
00:08:11 Tim Shoebridge PPG… Modal Cobalt5S - New 5 Voice DSP Synth - Sonic LAB Review
Modal today released another in the Cobalt range - the Cobalt 5S. This is a five voice version of the all DSP Cobalt engine with the same oscillator section using the Extended VA engine, modelled 24dB Ladder Filter, three Envelopes, 2 LFOs (reduced from 3), twin fixed FX (chorus and delay) and Se…