About Mad Stuff With Rob
Hey Guys,
You would remember me from POGO on M.A.D. but I have now started my own YouTube channel. So for all those who want to catch up on the new stuff that I've been doing then I suggest you subscribe! We upload a new DIY video every Wednesday and Friday at 5:00 pm!
Happy DIY-ing!
Here is how you can be a part of our DIY family!.
Shoot a fun video of you saying,
'Hi I am _______ and it's time for some DIY. Why? Cause I love it!"
You can shoot this solo or with your friends and then send it to madstuffwithrob@gmail.com. Make sure the video is good quality and do shoot it in horizontal format. The best videos get picked up and get featured on my channel.
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/madstuffwithrob?sub_confirmation=1
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/madstuffwithrob
Twitter - https://twitter.com/madstuffwithrob
Instagram - http://instagram.com/madstuffwithrob
Snapchat - madstuffwithrob
G+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/1160046896