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About Yän
Game maker from Berlin, currently working on Glitcheon:
Recent Videos from Yän
Yän feat. putti - Endless Water (lyric video)
Get the song and instrumental version on my Bandcamp:
Verse I:
Sweet treats, in a heart of tin
Promises never to be broken
Sea side, you lift my chin
Words so softly spoken
You're breathing, in my kiss
This time it's en… How BIG can we make a GMTK Jam team?
Making of our game Normal Activities
For GMTK Game Jam 2023 we're making a game with 23 people! This is an experiment to see what happens when you massively scale up a game jam team. In our team are (in random order) Jonas Tyroller, Zyger, River Forge Games, TheShelfman, ProgOrion, Goodie, Bonicle,… You Will Fall - OUT NOW
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You Will Fall is a psychological tightrope balancing game. While you try to get to the other side of a deep a…