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About Level Up RN
LEVEL UP NURSE SQUAD All of the nurses at Level Up RN are here to help! Cathy Parkes started helping her fellow classmates back when she was in nursing school, tutoring so they could pass their exams and graduate. After she got her BSN and started working as an RN at Scripps Encinitas Hospital, she started this YouTube channel to help nursing students around the world. Since then she has built a team of top-notch dedicated nurses and nurse educators who are focused on improving nursing education and supporting career advancement for nurses everywhere. With flashcards, videos, courses, organizational tools and more, we are singularly focused on helping students and nurses Level Up on their exams and nursing careers.
Recent Videos from Level Up RN
Warfarin and Vitamin K | #mnemonic
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Our Nursing #Pharmacology Flashcards are available at
For more resources, visit us at Level Up RN! #NCLEX #HESI #Kaplan #A… Central Venous Catheter Dressing Change - Clinical Nursing Skills @Level Up RN
In this video, Ellis demonstrates how to perform a central venous catheter (CVC) dressing change. Please note, you would want to perform hand hygiene after removing the clean gloves before donning the sterile gloves.
Ellis Parker MSN, RN-BC, CNE, CHSE covers Central Venous Catheter Dressing Change… Tip Of The Day - Dysphagia | Shorts
For more resources, visit us at Level Up RN! #NCLEX #HESI #Kaplan #ATI #NursingSchool #NursingStudent #Murse #Nurse #RN #PN #NurseReady #AnsweringTheCall #Education #LVN #LPN #medsurg
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