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About SciManDan
Flat Earth debunker that uses science, reason and logical thinking to promote the proven natural history of Life, the Earth and Universe.
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Recent Videos from SciManDan
Flat Earth Has a "Professor"
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Yes the esteemed Flat Earth Institute of Science gives us professor Kyle Adams, who this week on Flat Earth Friday does an experiment that involves the moon. Strap yourselves in people...
If you wan… Where Did My Video Go?
***EDIT: The video is now back up***
A short explanation regarding today's Tinfoil Tuesday! When a Flat Earther Tries to Arrest a Policeman!
Yes you read that title correctly.
Dave Murphy was on a mission to serve a vaccination centre a notice of liability. Apart from that being a total failure, he decided to go one better and arrest a bunch of policeman.
They were not impressed...
If you want access to behind the scenes photos a…