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About Ivor Cummins
My Channel is devoted to bringing engineering problem solving rigor and the scientific method to some of the more interesting issues in the world today - I have started with the Diabetes and Obesity Epidemic, but will move on to others as time permits... Website: Facebook: Twitter: @fatemperor
Recent Videos from Ivor Cummins
Ep151: What's Another Year? Johnny Logan Reveals All!
Something a little different today - I caught up with Eurovision sensation Johnny Logan, and had a great conversation on overcoming adversity and reclaiming greatness - it requires courage, character, tenacity and gumption!
Johnny's page for all of his great music:
NOTE: … Mask Madness, just never forget - "It's Science!" 😃😃😃
LOVE this one
- 40 years of established science said NO, but a year of Mass Formation said....YES! Wow - This Explains the War on Farming and Private Property Ownership
Super article in ZeroHedge formed the basis for this educational video - be aware of how the world works, and where it's heading
(Article: )
NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound …