About Brent Durand
Adventure Scuba Diving and Professional Underwater Photo Instruction.
Brent Durand Underwater produces clear, concise, and hopefully FUN videos to help improve your underwater photo and video.
Visit my website for detailed companion tutorials, diagrams, best gear guides and much more: https://tutorials.brentdurand.com.
Topics include underwater photo techniques, Lightroom editing, underwater camera gear advice, shooting tips, strobe positioning, and much more. I discuss all cameras, including GoPro, compact, mirrorless, DSLR and their underwater housings. I also talk strobes, video lights, diopters, wet lenses and other gear you need to shoot underwater photo and video.
Contact me to schedule a PRIVATE VIRTUAL LESSON or with questions on what gear is best for you.
ABOUT ME: https://tutorials.brentdurand.com/about
Enjoy! - Brent