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About Soteriology101
Former Calvinistic professor explains why Calvinism is not Biblical
Recent Videos from Soteriology101
Free Will in the Calvinistic Confessions?
Our friend and colleague, Chris Date, recently produced a video calling Drs. Tim Stratton and Leighton Flowers to task on using the LBC of 1689 and Westminster Confessions of Faith to establish Libertarian Free Will (as in opposition to Compatibilistic Free Will.)
Please watch Date's original br… Depravity, The Gospel, & The Holy Spirit
Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, answers a listener-submitted question regarding depravity and accepting the Gospel. Can people understand the Gospel without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?
To SUPPORT this broadcast please click here: https://sot… Sovereign Over Cereal?
Todd Friel, of Wretched Radio, recently released a video which ultimately equates God's sovereign rule over His creation to the idea of theistic determinism...LET'S EXPLORE!
Here is Todd Friel's original broadcast:
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