YouTube Channel Recommendations for people who like ACKS WOOD PASTE LLC (Click a channel's button below to go to their page on Channel Galaxy and find more new YouTube suggestions)
Using abrasive sanding pastes and then our polish to cut down on sanding! Non toxic- pharmaceutical grade!! QUALITY WITHOUT THE COST Growing stonger every day-Buy American!!
Recent Videos from ACKS WOOD PASTE LLC
FEB 27th Drawing
Winner are: BOBBY FOWLER and KATHLEEN B....Please send me your mailing address, thank you!! KATHLEEN B where are you????? Feb 13th Drawing FINISHES
Winners are: William Ellis, Radar the Woodturner and it was Richard Laney but he doesnt need any pastes right now so he wants to give his the new winner is.... JEN STEPHENS!!!
Congrats everyone!! Jan 30th Drawing!!
Check out this bowl video on finishing using ONLY ACKS and how easy it is!!
No Danish oil, No Tung Oils.