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About Bahri
What's up! We play custom Minecraft content!
Recent Videos from Bahri
New Cursed Pickaxe Broke This Minecraft World...
New Cursed Pickaxe Broke This Minecraft World...
This normal minecraft world turned out to be the most cursed Minecraft world yet! And a new cursed pickaxe might just save our efforts!
Check out more videos @Bahri
#cursed #minecraft So I Made Every Mob Custom TNT In Minecraft...
So I Made Every Mob Custom TNT In Minecraft...
We made every mob and item custom TNT in Minecraft! Can we beat a TNT ender dragon?
Check out more content @Bahri
#custom #tnt #minecraft If I Take Damage Minecraft Gets Less Realistic
If I Take Damage Minecraft Gets Less Realistic
If I take damage in this Minecraft world the entire game gets less realistic until Minecraft is virtually unplayable at 1x1 graphics!
Check out more content @Bahri
Thank you for the inspiration @McBirken
#minecraft #realistic