About Nice Guys
∽ Somewhere, anywhere.
Daily indie music, psych-pop, surf rock, lofi pop, & full album we loved.
Nice Guys is delivering the nicest melodies for you on our channel, we also produced some slick records (Hector Gachan, Ralph TV).
Official Playlist ➬ http://lnkfi.re/NGofficial
Youtube Radio Playlist ➫ http://lnkfi.re/NGradio
Official Discord Server ➬ https://discord.com/invite/gWhtQS7cUv
➫ Facebook : http://bit.ly/NiceGuysRec
➬ Bandcamp : http://bit.ly/2rbbWWH
➫ Soundcloud : http://bit.ly/NiceGuyys
➬ YouTube : http://bit.ly/2CT8fpa
➫ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nice_guys_records/
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We don't own the rights of some uploaded songs, we uploaded them only because it's great music and we want to promote the artists.
Send us a message if you want us to delete the video.