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About Jack Rhysider
I'm fascinated by what happens in the dark parts of the Internet. Come with me and let's shine some light on it and see what's there.
Recent Videos from Jack Rhysider
They Hired Him to Snoop a Target, but Something Felt Very Wrong🎙Darknet Diaries Ep. 99: The Spy
Igor works as a private investigator in NYC. He’s often sitting in cars, keeping a distant eye on someone with binoculars, or following someone through busy streets. But there was one case where something just didn't feel right. The more he looked into it, the deeper the rabbit hole went.
Visit ht… Did the World Bank’s servers get breached?
#shorts #cybersecurity
Listen to the full episode - 🎙Ep. 91: webjedi Why Governments Love to Buy the Bugs in Your Favorite Apps🎙Darknet Diaries Ep. 98: Zero Day Brokers
If a hacker finds a bug at Microsoft or Google, they could report it to the company, get it patched up, and get a nice reward. OR, they could sell it to a government for WAY more money. That government would keep it secret, and might use it to spy on other countries, or its own people.
New York Ti…