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About Kristen McAtee
Follow me on everything! @kristenmcatee
Recent Videos from Kristen McAtee
don't let me dye my hair again lol
back to blonde babyyyy. I also told a little story time about a fun trip to urgent care this week :) *please comment Ukraine relief funds! all earnings on this video will be donated to a foundation suggested*
Stream my podcast "Oddvice" everywhere! & watch it at ht… I went on a date
I?? went on a date???? idunno lol but get ready with me! i also went grocery shopping, did pilates, and vented about how much i dislike wordle now. check out farmers dog here:… i'm craving spaghetti
i had the leftovers for breakfast. this spaghetti had almonds and cream cheese and i was scared at first but it was SO GOOOD! use code KMCATEE16 for up to 16 FREE MEALS + 3 Surprise Gifts across 6 HelloFresh boxes plus free shipping at!
Stream my podcast "Oddvice" everywhere…