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About Luke Barousse
What's up, Data Nerds! I'm Luke, a data analyst, and I make videos about tech and skills for data science.
If you have a question about becoming a data analyst, drop a comment in any video. No need to email, as I answer all comments!
Recent Videos from Luke Barousse
How I use Excel as a Data Analyst
A better solution than Excel for SaaS team 👉🏼
Thank you ChartMogul for sponsoring this video! 🙌🏼
Follow the Data 👸🏻 & 🤴🏻 @Tina Huang @Ken Jee
📊 My recommended course for Excel 👉🏼
Certificates & Courses
==========================… PROJECTS that landed Data Jobs for my Subscribers
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Have a project that helped land your job? - share here 👉🏼
Data Nerds! I'm looking to start a series where I showcase projects that landed my subscribers jobs in data science, analytic… They became Data Analysts with THIS - Google Data Analytics Certificate: One Year Later
Google Data Analytics Certificate 👉🏼
What's up, Data Nerds! I interviewed four graduates of the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate program from Coursera. They shared their joys (and pains) of getting a Data Analyst job with this powerful certificate.