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About William Lin
I am tmwilliamlin168, a competitive programmer, a sophomore at MIT into startups, and I make random videos IOI 2020 Winner Codeforces Max Rating 2931 (International Grandmaster) CodeChef Max Rating 2916 (7 stars)
Recent Videos from William Lin
Winning Google Kickstart Round B 2022
My first win of Google Kickstart in 2022!
What is Competitive Programming:
My solutions:… 3 BEGINNER exercises to become pro coder
Have you been struggling for YEARS just to learn the fundamentals of programming? Do you feel like you have made absolutely ZERO progress, despite reading AT LEAST FIVE programming books EVERY DAY?
Well, today is your lucky day! (Better write the date, March 32nd, down!) In this video, I present t… Winning Google Kickstart Round G 2021
Back with another lucky win in Google Kickstart!
What is Competitive Programming:
Codes in the video:…