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About Illinois EnergyProf
Professor David Ruzic Abel Bliss Professor of Engineering Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Recent Videos from Illinois EnergyProf
Dispelling the Myths of Nuclear Energy (Live Lecture)
This is a lecture I give to high school seniors and college freshman emphasizing need for nuclear power, and countering the common objections to it. My individual videos on this channel have much more detail on each topic; this is meant as an overview. I gave this in front of a "live" Zoom audien… Decarbonizing Air Travel ?
This video examines overall energy use, how electrification comes into play, and focuses on the energy used for air travel. It shows why liquid fuels are the most useful for long-haul fast air travel, and then describes how they could be made from biofuels. It ends with a cautionary note about th… Small Nuclear Reactors - Natrium
This video tells about the new exciting sodium-cooled, high-assay-low-enrichment-uranium (HALEU) fueled small nuclear reactor that was one of the winners of the DOE Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program competition and will be built over the next few years. It utilizes molten-salt storage of the …