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About ianxofour
IanXO4 or ianxofour, but you can call me Ian (he/him/his). Discord: IanXO4#0804 Ian's Discord Server:
Recent Videos from ianxofour
Minecraft Elegance: Versatile Tree Farm (Universal, Nether, and Huge Mushroom; Java 1.16-1.19)
A highly simplified and versatile "universal" tree farm for overworld trees, nether trees (huge fungi), and huge mushrooms, with competitive rates:
RATES (and bone meal usage rate)
Birch 9650/hr (10150 bm/hr)
*Oak (from azalea) 9500/hr (4100 bm/hr) This is the recommended option for bone-meal effi… Minecraft Elegance: Instant Lazy Mob Switch (Java 1.17-1.19)
An extremely simple mob switch consisting of a silverfish spawner, a trap, and a chunk loader. Any mob in a lazy chunk is not processed, so they do not despawn. This approach allows for great variety of mob switch possibilities that extends far beyond the 4 types of mobs that are normally used (zom… Minecraft Elegance: Next Generation Copper Farm (Java 1.17-1.19)
A zombie reinforcements copper farm that can be built in about 90 seconds and can give you thousands of copper ingots per hour. Maximum rates will depend on the performance of your specific PC or server, but several thousand ingots per hour would not be unexpected.
Your game basically n…