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ASMR Eggplant Spa 🍆 Massage which you'll never forget 😏
How do you know when an eggplant is perfectly ripe? When it's ready for the Eggplant Spa! And how do you know when you're ready for the Eggplant Spa? There's only one way to find out.
00:00 welcome to the Eggplant Spa
01:21 introduction to techniq… ASMR Just turn off the light: the best words for men
We will rest our eyes tonight, so let's bring the lights down and relax. 💡 The light inside will show you what you seek and how great you truly are.
00:00 I was waiting for you
02:36 turn out the light
06:09 close-up breathing
08:22 face massage
10… ASMR The toughest Spa ever 💪 Russian beauty salon 😊 Strong accent
This video is a joke and is intended to ridicule the most common stereotypes about Russia and Russian culture. Don't take it seriously and I hope you still get goosebumps!
00:00 robust spa treatments
04:34 soothing your spirit with bells
05:24 mass…