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The King Kong of Consciousness
Recent Videos from King Kong Consciousness
Dr Umar Johnson: Peculiar Characteristics of the Black American Psyche
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“New Moon in Leo Season Special Lesson: 13 Peculiar Characteristics of the Negro Psyche!”
🥉 FDMG BRONZE MEMBERSHIP… Dr Umar Johnson: Brothas Stop Hating on Each Other!
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🥈 FDMG SILVER MEMBERSHIP… Dr Umar Johnson: Stop Waisting Your Time - We Need Activists Not Ideologues!
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Chicago(IL): “intellectual masturbation is a sin: we need activists not ideologues!” King Kong Speaks @2pm/booksigning@1-4pm near 60th & Ellis in Hyde Park/1448 E. 53rd Street 215-989-9858/844.4DR.UMAR