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About Scott Johnson
Podcast video, commentary, video games, live streams, special projects, speed drawing, and who knows what the hell else!
Recent Videos from Scott Johnson
TMS PLAY DATE! Jackbox 10 is HERE!
Let's play! CORE 389: Wake Me Up, Alan. (PART 2)
The episode opens with a teaser about "ghostbeef" and the unveiling of Lilith statue names. The controversy surrounding "Cities: Skylines 2," as it's receiving mixed reviews due to its work-in-progress nature. The hosts discuss the merits of early reviews versus player feedback. In the "Our Week in… CORE 389: Wake Me Up, Alan. (PART 1)
The episode opens with a teaser about "ghostbeef" and the unveiling of Lilith statue names. The controversy surrounding "Cities: Skylines 2," as it's receiving mixed reviews due to its work-in-progress nature. The hosts discuss the merits of early reviews versus player feedback. In the "Our Week in…