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About Lyra made a website
I play video games and make websites.
Recent Videos from Lyra made a website
The Great Slowpoke Playthrough! - Gen 3 Living Dex [4]
After a few speed bumps, we are back to the Gen 3 Living Pokédex challenge with LeafGreen. Why not FireRed, you ask? There's a really good (and silly) reason why...
Gen 3 Living Dex playlist:
Po… The Secrets of the Sevii Islands
Get an exclusive Surfshark deal! Enter promo code LYRA for an extra 3 months free at
The Sevii Islands are exclusive to Gen 3. Why is that? What can we find there? How many Islands actually exist? So many questions we will find the answers to!
External video used:
"Th… The Pokémon game that DESTROYED me - Gen 3 Living Dex [3]
There is one Pokémon game I never played before. A game that took the formula and drastically changed it. A game I was excited about... until I played it.
The Salt Factory fight:
Gen 3 Living Dex playlist:…