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About SuburbanBiology
Join me in my journey toward a resilient lifestyle while still living within city limits. I am doing what I can to be more self sufficient with the long game in mind. Here I examine some of the eccentricities of western suburban culture and resource management and I explore alternatives to common practices. I consider myself an expert of nothing but a student of everything.
Recent Videos from SuburbanBiology
FREE water forever. LEGALLY!!!!
I installed a 30k gallon metal tank in my backyard so that I can run my entire house on rainwater. Often called a rainwater catchment or rainwater collection system; this has allowed me to avoid using city water and to catch free water from the sky instead. Think of it as a pool-sized rain barrel… Enclosed porch traps stove heat
I wanted less bugs in summer and more heat in winter. These custom doors were my solution. They slide out of my way for sweeping and moving furniture into the house etc. Then every winter I can install clear vinyl sheets to make a relatively airtight seal and use my rocket mass heater to heat my… Steel retaining wall around rain tank
I had to build a steel retaining wall big enough to hold 30,000 gallons of water. So why not make it look modern and cool? This video outlines the build of the retaining wall. Follow up video with the 30,000 gallon rain tank is coming soon.
I managed to build this project in my free time. I…