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About Dr. David Myers (aka Dr. Derm)
Dr. Derm (aka Dr. David Myers) is a board certified dermatologist who loves his patients, resolving skin issues, and simply helping people feel better. Dr. Myers practices near Salt Lake City, Utah at Utah Valley Dermatology.
Recent Videos from Dr. David Myers (aka Dr. Derm)
Grand Daddy Monster Cyst | Dr. Derm
You will not believe your eyes when you watch this cyst get drained! THE SACK?!?! MONSTEROUS.
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Follow Utah Valley Dermatology
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Instagram: @utahvalleyder… Sweet Sweet Friend Blackheads and a Cyst | Dr. Derm
My oh my, how we love this sweet friend of mine! Let's remove some blackheads and a cyst!
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Instagram: @utahvalleydermatolo… Ear Piercing Baby Cysts | Dr. Derm
Watch Dr. Derm remove some ear junk and attempt to heal these pestering ear piercings!
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