About Harry Dresden
Dresden Files Fan Filming is a team out of Denver, CO working in an unofficial capacity on scenes and clips from The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. The continuing tales of the wizard Harry Dresden. We are big fans and geeks and just wanted to film our take on the Dresden-verse. It helps that we all are pretty steeped in theater, film and cosplay though.
Directed, Shot and Edited by Christian Kennedy
Harry Dresden - Matthew Merback
Karrin Murphy - Mandie Reese
Susan Rodriguez - Laura Jerdak
Michael Carpenter - Jesse Phillips
Bob the Skull - Brian Trampler
Waldo Butters - Jace Perrodin
Lea - Kitty Krell
Ebenezar McCoy - Bob Mask
Queen Mab - Jerish O'Briel (Tiffany Briels)