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About Robert Gebczynski
Welcome to orchid channel from Orchidman UK.
Recent Videos from Robert Gebczynski
Unboxing a gift project orchid. Cymbidium sinense 'Wan Dai Fu'
Hi everyone!
Today I'm doing another Unboxing video but this time it's a gift from a friend.
She had this Cymbidium sinense'Wan Dai Fu' for a while and it just didn't want to grow well for her so she gifted it to me in hopes I can rescue it.
And so rescue it I shall try! Orchid Unboxing - Dendrobium Berry Oda
Hi everyone!
Another day, another orchid Unboxing video. I wish life was that great every day! This time it's a Dendrobium Berry Oda which I always wanted but never got until now!
Join me and enjoy! Maxilaria Orchid unboxing video
Hi there!
Oh gosh we have another unboxing video! which is a nice new change since I didn't get myself any new Orchids in such a long time.
This time it's a very short one and the plant is maxillaria tenuifolia! Potted straight after I'm semi hydroponics! Can't wait to see this one grow and devel…