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About Bruno Vassel
Gliding videos and soaring videos from Bruno Vassel IV (B4) flying ASW27B, ASW20B and Phoebus sailplanes (gliders) mostly over the Utah, Idaho and Wyoming mountains.
Recent Videos from Bruno Vassel
11 Most Memorable Glider Landings
You can never be quite sure where you are going to end up landing when you fly a glider. That can be both terrifying and thrilling at the same time. With training, glider pilots learn to manage their energy and altitudes so well that they can land just about anywhere safely. Here are a few landi… Gliding Hundreds of Miles Over Nothingness - Full Flight
This is 98% of the entire footage of a 750km record glider flight from Nephi, Utah to Alamo, NV and back to Nephi. As you can see, there is not much out there near Alamo! Pretty scary when you are so far away from home without an engine and only your wits and the weather to help get you back home… Glider Defies Gravity - Same Altitude After 10 Minutes?
People just don't understand that glider pilots can find and use rising air currents to stay up for many hours and fly many hundreds of miles. This video shows what we call a "cloud street" of lifting air that allows the engine-less aircraft to fly for many miles at 150 mph without losing any alti…