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About It's a Buzz World
We are the Busby's! This channel gives you a little glimpse into our life as parents of six girls, five of which are the only all-girl quintuplets in the US!
Recent Videos from It's a Buzz World
It Was Not Your Average Walk in the Park
After Hurricane Laura made landfall on Lake Charles in 2020, Sam Houston Jones State Park never recovered. The park lost 97% of the trees. The ponds and waterways went completely barren. The park has not opened since summer 2020. Now, in partnership with Louisiana Parks and Wildlife, more than 500 … 130 Valentines, Breaking Golf Carts, Soccer Practices - All While Mom's on Her Own!
What's it like when Adam's gone for a few days and Danielle's on her own? Well, 130 Valentine's treats for the girls to each sign, soccer practices and dances on the same night, forgetting to pick up Blayke, and trying to do a face-makeover are just some of the few things that happened this week. P… Quints Get GIFTS from Camden Murphy at MonsterJam Houston!
Danielle and I loved Monster Truck Jam as a child. For the quints second time, they loved the trucks back flips, the cool toys and the loud noise! Well, maybe not the noise, but they were beyond thrilled when we told them we had pit passes! They even got the chance to meet Cam Murphy again and get …