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About EonsOfBattle
A channel devoted to all things wargaming.
Recent Videos from EonsOfBattle
Fixing BAD Games Workshop Minis with PAINT!
In this video Jay takes a crack at the OLD Imperial Guard Catachan! Great models that well look a little rough! We have new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! We're streaming Monday-Saturday starting at 9PM CST!! JOIN USSSS! Thanks for watching!
We have a Patreon! Support us here and get m… The 5 WORST 40k Refreshes and the 5 BEST!
In this video Jay goes through his favorite Warhammer 40k Model refreshes and 5 that missed the mark! We have new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! We're streaming Monday-Saturday starting at 9PM CST!! JOIN USSSS! Thanks for watching!
We have a Patreon! Support us here and get more conten… Kill Team Nachmund NOT what I was Expecting! | Models and Memories Weekly #49
In this episode of Model and Memories Jay talks about Games Workshop's White Dwarf magazine, the new Chaos Space Marines in Kill Team Nachmund and he talks about Henry Cavill showing up to Warhammer World!! We have new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! We're streaming Monday-Saturday start…