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About Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Taking the confusion out of setting up and owning a saltwater tank. Mr. Saltwater Tank TV is the most popular saltwater tank show on YouTube due in part to it's highly entertaining and educational format.
Recent Videos from Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Live walk through of a 325 VIP Build
None 2020 Mr. Saltwater Tank Minke Whale/Great Barrier Reef Ribbon Reef Trip
The visual details for the Mr. Saltwater Tank VIP Minke Whale/Great Barrier Reef Minke Whale Trip. Full trip details are @ Acropora Eating Flatworm (AEFW) Kickstarter Project Update
Thanks to the supporters of the Acropora Eating Flatworm Kickstarter Campaign, real facts supported by science are coming out on those nasty worms reef junkies hate. Here's the latest info straight from the horse's mouth