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About O&A, R&F, TESD and Scorch Archive
A now-inoperative archive channel containing audio segments from defunct radio shows "Opie & Anthony" and "Ron & Fez", audio segments from currently running podcast "Tell 'em Steve-Dave" and full episodes and segments from television's "Scorch's PFG TV".
Recent Videos from O&A, R&F, TESD and Scorch Archive
Tell 'em Steve-Dave: Walt was Accosted by Teenage Girls (12/23/10)
In the middle of trying to get napkins for his daughter's nosebleed, Walt is taunted by a pack of adolescent girls.
An excerpt from TESD 44: It's Out There, originally released December 23rd 2010.
How many TESD Plugs can I get into this description? Let's see...
If you want to listen to full e… Tell 'em Steve-Dave: The 1st Sake to Ming Game (06/17/11)
Walt plays host to a game show competition between Ming and Bry about how much they know about their significant others. Sake is drank for wrong answers. Ming talks about firefighters being called to his house. A scratch cam app is promoted.
An excerpt from Plus One Per Diem (guest hosted by TES… Tell 'em Steve-Dave: Quinn Outran the Cops (10/10/13)
Q talks about evading the fuzz on the way to record. Walt recollects an incident at a traffic stop.
An excerpt from TESD 172: Fatty, Fatty, Frat Boy, originally released October 10th 2013.
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If you want to listen to full episodes…