About Rusty Dog
Good greetings, I'm Rusty Dog.
I set up this channel in September 2015 to showcase gameplay from Elite: Dangerous. Whilst Elite: Dangerous is still the predominant game featured here with many a long livestream each Sunday, I have ventured into other game titles that I play also.
I played Elite first on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and was hooked then. I got in on the ground floor when I heard Frontier were re-making Elite on Kickstarter.
I also am a fan of sim-racing have have done that for decades but I don't stream that hardly because it's too frustrating sometimes:)
Simulations in general are appealing to me but there are some weird one's coming out these days and they're not my cup of tea.
In my personal like I am interested in Photography, vehicle detailing and anything about how the Universe works :)
I drink White Organic tea (Clipper) though not exclusively and through my livestreams, I have learned I can go without a pee for 6 hours.