About The Ganjier
In the tradition of the wine sommelier, cigar aficionado, or master chocolatier, Ganjier® is a first-of-its-kind, rigorous, multi-tiered cannabis trade certification, created & taught by the most respected names in the field, with the intent of producing an entirely new class of cannabis professional—The Ganjier®
And like the sommelier, the Ganjier is equal parts deft aficionado and interpretive liaison - schooled in intricacies like terroir, taste, terpenes, and finish - serving as a conduit between cannabis and consumer, navigating its complexities and optimizing user experience.
Ganjier will ensure you’re unequivocally qualified to take your rightful place among those who create the culture, set the standard, face the challenges and reap the rewards of the coolest career in cannabis.
If you're ready to reach a new level of excellence in the cannabis field, with the rare chance to design and define an industry on the verge of global prominence... the journey awaits @ ganjier.com